
Two large ice cream scoops near the Erde

Two large ice cream scoops near the Erde

Two large asteroids are flying around at this time and the Erde vorbei. Die Himmelskörper bieten Wissenschaftlern wertvolle Forschungsgelegenheiten.

Two asteroids are flying around this time in relation to the Erde vorbei, published on “AzerNews”. These are Asteroid 447755 (2007 JX2) and 2020 XR, which are as big as the Empire State Building.

The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) is NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These asteroids are frozen as “potentially powerful” because they are close to where they are located.

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Asteroids fly safely when exploring the Erde vorbei

Auf dem Bild est un asteroid et l’erde zu sehen.

“AzerNews” was released by the first asteroid, 447755 (2007 JX2), on December 3, in an exposure of 5.5 million kilometers at the end of the day, 2020 XR, on December 4. .2 million kilometers vorbeifliegen wird.

Zum Vergleich: Die durchschnittliche Entfernung zwischen Erde und Mond was trägt wa 384.400 Kilometer. NASA and other global trauma officers continually monitor objects that may pose a potential risk. We recommend finding asteroids that are not in the Erde collision zone.

These recommendations focus on the rules of the world of sport, the implementation and verification of study objectives. Dies könnte für zukünftige Planetare Verteidigungsstrategien von Bedeutung sein, schreibt “AzerNews”.

An interstellar tunnel is an ideal solution for tourist trips. Forscher looked into this subject for the Sternbild Centaurus.

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